As we step into the New Year, I encourage everyone to take at least 15-20 minutes to write out some visions for the new year. Even if you have an idea in your mind about what you want to create, it's important to WRITE IT DOWN! You activate the creation process by writing things down. Writing out your ideas bring them from the non-physical into the physical.
It doesn't have to take a long time and you don't have to commit to a bunch of resolutions. Just follow these quick & easy steps and see what happens! First: Sit down and visualize what you want your life to look like this year. What do you want to create more than anything in the coming year? Visualize yourself doing this, being this or having this. Most importantly, FEEL what it FEELS like to experience your life in this new way. Spend a few minutes and really drink it in. Second: Write out your vision. Describe your new you vision in great detail. Third: Come up with just one step that you can take right now to send a signal to yourself and to the Universe that you mean business! What is one thing you can do to signal that you are serious and ready to create this in your life? When we focus on one step at a time, we can really start gaining momentum in our lives. When we try to tackle too many things at once, we become overwhelmed and eventually back in the same rut that we started in. Choose just one thing to be your focal point this year. When you complete this one thing, you are encouraged and confident and ready to take on another. Starting with one is key along with WRITING IT DOWN! I created a very similar video if you want to check it out on my Youtube Channel. |