Are you charging what you’re worth? Do you shrink when someone asks you how much you charge? When you work for yourself, all of your money stories and beliefs come into play. You may have made great money when you were working for someone else, but when the money comes straight through you, guess what? You’ve got to work through your money stories. Period. You can’t allow money to flow to you if you don’t feel worthy enough or you believe negative things about money and/or people that have money.
Grab your journal. Here’s a process I take my clients through: Sit down and write out your beliefs about money. What are the stories you heard as a child about money? What did you learn from society about money? What did you come to believe to be true about money through your own experience? EX. Money is the root of all evil. Money is tight. We can’t afford that. You have to work hard to make good money. That price is outrageous! We can't pay that much for that. What are your money stories? Challenge these beliefs. What’s funny about beliefs is that we seldom take the time to stop and challenge the beliefs (or programs) that run certain aspects of our lives. Do you still believe these statements? Did you EVER really believe them or were they just beliefs you inherited from your parents or society? It is important to start challenging these beliefs for yourself now. Stop reciting these beliefs. STOP saying you can't afford something. STOP complaining about how much things cost. STOP limiting yourself around money. No matter what is true in your bank account, NEVER say these phrases out loud. Saying them only reinforces them. If you or your child wants something and you don't have the money, instead say "not today sweetie." Next, write what you want to believe instead. What do you see to be true about money now? More importantly, what do you WANT to believe about money? Write some affirmations for yourself around money. Use your money affirmations daily. Every time you spend money or notice yourself stuck in this old pattern, tell yourself one of your new messages about money. Start reprogramming your money story software. I personally feel that lack has been programmed into society's code for quite some time and it simply is not true. The truth is that God/The Universe provides for each and every one of us. We live in an ABUNDANT Universe. Ask and you shall receive. Anything you desire is available to you. It's your lack of belief that holds it away from you. When you constrict around money, you cut yourself off from supply. Your supply comes from God/The Universe. Period. Stop resisting and let it in! You deserve everything your heart desires <3 It's time to upgrade our thinking around money as a society! Here are some of my favorite affirmations around money.
You can download the list of affirmations I state out loud daily here. This worksheet also explains how to create your own affirmations and how to use your affirmations for greatest benefit. If you know you need help in your business but keep talking yourself out of it because you think you can't afford it, click here to schedule a free 30 minute session with me. I will help you see that you are worth it, God/The Universe will provide for you and you should TOTALLY trust yourself. I've seen it happen several times in my own life and for my clients. When you decide and say YES, the Universe sees that you are serious and lines up immediately to support you. When you create a vacuum, it is always filled. Pop over to my FB Group, Savvy Conscious Entrepreneurs to discuss this topic with other heart-centered entrepreneurs. |