Heal Your Gut: 5 Steps to Reduce Inflammation, Boost Your Immunity, Lose Weight and Feel Energized4/29/2015 Here are my 5 simple tips that will help you improve your gut health.
1. Improve Your Diet. One of the biggest tips that I teach my clients is how to improve their diet. Focus on eating REAL food. Real food doesn’t have labels. Go back to the basics. Eat more fruits, vegetables, grass-fed meat, pastured poultry, nuts and seeds. Avoid packaged food. Limit grains. So many people experience food sensitivity but are unaware of it. Food sensitivity causes swelling, bloating and often compounds into more serious conditions. If you need help pinpointing this or learning to eat healthier, sign up for my ENERGIZE Wellness Program beginning on May 6. You will start looking and feeling great! 2. Probiotics. Once you clean up your diet and clear out foods that are wreaking havoc on your system, start taking a good probiotic. Probiotics help reestablish gut flora. I really like the brand Bio-Kult. You can also start eating Cultured Vegetables which are fermented vegetables. Cultured vegetables are similar to yogurt in that they contain live cultures, without the dairy. You can buy these at your local health food store. 3. Exercise. Start moving! Regular exercise keeps your bowels moving. It also keeps your lymphatic system moving. Your lymphatic system is like your garbage removal system. It removes waste from your body. Your circulatory system has your heart to pump it. Your lymphatic system requires movement to pump it. So keep moving! You don’t have to go to a gym to exercise. Walk out your front door! 4. Chewing. I know it sounds simple but chewing is the #1 fastest and easiest way to improve your digestion, improve your gut flora and even increase your energy. Your stomach doesn’t have teeth so when you partially chew your food, your stomach creates more acid to help break down chunks of food. This slows your digestive process, increases acidity in your body (can cause acid reflux), and requires more energy. That’s why you are ready to go lay down after eating. Chewing is a big deal! I’ve seen people get off of medication by the simple act of chewing. Try it and feel the difference! Chew each bite 30-40 times. I don’t count. Just chew your food until it’s mushy. You will eat less too! Win-Win! 5. BREATHE. Stress wreaks havoc on our bodies. It particularly affects our digestive system. Stress has different reactions in people. Some people get diarrhea when they are overly stressed, others tend to hold on and become constipated. Whether this is happening to you or not, it is important to slow down and BREATHE! I talk to many clients who tell me that they get so busy during the day that they notice they are not breathing. Be aware of your breath as you go about your day. Take some deep breaths with the intention of breathing some space into you day! Slow things down. Create more ease:-) What’s your biggest issue when it comes to feeling healthier? My Energize Program can help you start feeling better fast! |