If you aren’t experiencing the success you’d like to see in your life, try visualization. Often, we think we have to struggle and work hard for success but when we get in the habit of spending 10-20 minutes per day tuning into ourselves and visualizing what we want, things start working out for us with ease. Opportunities present themselves that we couldn’t see before. In order to attract what we want into our lives, it’s important to have a clear picture of what we want to do, be and have so we can create a clear vision in our mind. When we focus on this clear picture through visualization, our emotions shift. We start feeling the way we would if we were actually experiencing those things, which shifts our vibration. Our vibration in turn attracts the visions we are playing in our mind. To visualize your success, start with the basics. Begin your visualization by focusing on yourself and how you want to feel. This helps you relax and expand what is possible for you in your mind. Happiness. What makes you happy? Visualize yourself waking up happy, ready to engage with the day. See yourself maintaining your happiness no matter what is going on around you. See yourself handling situations with joy and ease. See yourself choosing happiness above any problem, doubt or concern that may come your way. Choose happiness over and over again throughout the day. Next, focus on your connection to your Source, Higher Self, God. Connecting yourself with the Divine expands your awareness even more, opening you up to even more possibility. Connection to God/Higher Self/Source. See yourself as whole. Visualize yourself connected to your Source. See your connection as a cord of light that connects you and grows stronger each day. See yourself tuned into your inner guidance, clearly receiving information about where to place your energy and focus. Imagine your trust in yourself and your guidance growing with each passing hour and day. Then start focusing on the areas of your life that are important to you. Allow yourself to dream here. There is no limitation in your mind. Allow yourself to dream into other areas of your life. I’ve shared some examples below. Perfect Health. Imagine your body working perfectly! Visualize yourself only attracted to healthy food. See your body healing from any ailment that is in your awareness. Visualize perfect vision. Your digestion system working at optimal function. Your kidneys, liver and heart being regenerated. Your respiratory system fully breathing in life. Imagine your nervous system, adrenals and thyroid being restored. Imagine a strong immune system that supports you in every way. Healthy Relationships. Visualize yourself in happy exchange with others. You are being yourself and feel accepted and loved by others. Imagine your energy field healing and strengthening. You have amazing boundaries. You feel great in social situations. You feel so comfortable talking with others and they feel great around you. You make healthy connections everywhere you go. People love you! Special Relationship. Imagine the male and female aspects of you living in harmony with one another. Imagine having a loving relationship with yourself and then see someone showing up outside of you who loves and cherishes you. Imagine all of the things you will do together and how you feel in this person’s presence. See both of you being happy, committed, truly appreciating each other. See yourself as worthy of receiving the deepest love of your life. Finances. See yourself receiving a steady flow of money. Imagine you have zero debt. Your house, your cars, everything you own is paid for. You have plenty of money to travel, to buy what you want and need. Money flows to you effortlessly from multiple streams. You get paid for being yourself. Opportunities constantly present themselves for you to make plenty of money with ease, going at your own pace. From this more expanded state, see if anything else comes to you. This is your dream and your vision. You get to create anything you want in your mind. There are no limitations. You don’t have to know how to attain it, so allow yourself to dream big! The important thing is to see yourself being, doing or having whatever it is you desire. Allow yourself to feel more open and expansive which will open you to receiving. You will begin vibrating with what it is that you want. Your feelings and vibration is what creates your life. Commit to visualizing in this way at least twice per day for 30 days and see what happens. Set your alarm 10 minutes early and visualize before you get out of bed and as you drift off to sleep. It takes time and commitment to shift your current circumstances so don’t give up when your external reality doesn’t shift overnight. Shifting your thoughts and belief system is similar to changing your diet. You have to stick with it to see results. But if you remain persistent, you WILL SEE RESULTS. You will usually notice some change in the first few days. Give it a try and see for yourself. I’ve recorded this visualization to help you get started. You can download this guided visualization here and use it as a starting point each day. This recording will help get you in the zone. I left the end of the recording open ended so you can add your own visions once you are in an expanded state. Happy Creating! PS. If you have a vision you are ready to create, message me. I would love to help you develop a clear path to success. Also, check out my Passion to Profit Program. I will help you turn your visions into reality. |