Do you feel like you keep putting yourself out there on social media but you aren’t gaining any traction? You feel that you are doing all of the right things but you aren’t getting any paid work? You keep giving your services away for cheap or free? Deep down you fear getting a client, you don’t feel good enough, feel overwhelmed and dread having the money conversation with potential clients (aka sales).
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Being an entrepreneur is one of the biggest self-improvement programs that I’ve ever been a part of. In order to create a successful business, you really have to come to terms with and shift some of your deep seated beliefs. This process may not be easy but it is oh so worth it! These are the 3 most common blocks I see: 1. Self-Worth: So many of us struggle with our self-worth especially when starting a new business! It’s hard putting yourself out there when you don’t feel 100% sure of yourself. It can be scary getting your first client. Every single person that I’ve worked with, including myself and my coaches, have all felt like a fraud in the beginning. Trust me, you are not alone in this. 2. Money: Are you charging what you’re worth? Do you shrink when someone asks you how much you charge? When you work for yourself, all of your money stories and beliefs come into play. You may have made great money when you were working for someone else, but when the money comes straight through you, guess what? You’ve got to work through your money stories. Period. You can’t allow money to flow to you if you don’t feel worthy enough or you believe negative things about money and/or people that have money. 3. Sales: Do you cringe when you hear the word sales? Do you think sales people are slimy? Do you dread talking about money with potential clients? If so, you are going to have a very difficult time selling your services and charging what you’re worth. I used to HATE sales! I hated discussing money with people. I didn’t like anyone selling to me and I didn’t want to be that person. Luckily, I worked with a coach that helped me shift. Now, I LOVE sales! I find it very fun. I love helping people break through to say yes to what they need and teaching them what I know. Over the next few days, I’m going to discuss each of these barriers in more detail so stay tuned! What is your biggest challenge when it comes to putting yourself out there and making consistent sales? You have a lot to offer! I want to see you getting your work out into the world <3 |