Energy Management: 5 Steps to Reconnect with Your Source, Upgrade Your Beliefs, and Move Forward with Intention
Do you feel overwhelmed? Like your life is going in every direction except the one you want it to?
Is your spirit calling to you but you're moving too fast to take the call?
Do you have a hard time setting boundaries with yourself and others?
Are you an empath? Do you feel affected by other people's energy? Drained by crowds?
Are you ready to take your life back and start focusing on yourself again?
It's time to Start Living Your Life with Purpose, Tuning Into Your Inner Voice AND Have the Energy, Courage and Clarity to Make it Happen!
This is a course in how to maintain your life energetically by sealing your energy leaks, tuning into your inner voice, creating healthy boundaries, plugging into Source regularly and shifting your belief system so you can start co-creating a life you love.
We start out each day with a certain amount of energy. Depending on the decisions we make throughout the day, our energy level either goes up or it goes down. We’ve become very outwardly focused. We run from one thing to the next in our lives and in our minds. It’s become difficult to just be present.
It is difficult to fill a cup that has a hole in it, right? It’s the same with your energy level. You can’t start increasing your energy when you go around leaking it all day.
It is your job to oversee your energy level and to keep track of your reserves to ensure your levels are where you want them to be.
Week 1 Identifying and Sealing Your Energy Leaks
If you want to take your life back, you first have to identify what is draining you and taking your power away. You have a certain amount of personal energy to work with each day. You will learn how to start monitoring your energy level so you can make decisions based on what nurtures you. You will learn a process of aligning your energy by eliminating what is draining you.
This week, we will identify what is standing in the way of you living the life you desire. You will learn a step by step process of how to clear the clutter so you have the energy and focus to start creating the life you REALLY want. Start living the life YOU design instead of letting your life live you. You're in charge!
Learn a powerful process that will eliminate what’s keeping you stuck so you can finally be free to manifest what you want faster
Create your blueprint for sealing your energy leaks so you can get your power and life back!
Learn how to identify what drains you, frustrates you and takes away your power.
Discover how the power of commitment can quickly align you to receiving what you want in an instant
Identify your self-sabotaging patterns that keep you stuck and frustrated
Learn how to breakthrough your fear in 5 easy steps
Learn how to make a decision and stick with it no matter what
Learn how to focus on what you want instead of what you don’t
Week 2 Coming Home to Yourself - Ground Your Energy
This week we will focus on bringing your focus back to yourself. If you want to design the life you really desire, you first have to get clear on what that looks like. Our energy has become so outwardly focused. In this week I will teach you tools for getting back in touch with yourself and your guidance so you can start leading your life from your heart. You will learn how to uncover those buried desires, the ones you have given up on and no longer admit to even having. I will walk you through my fun and easy process of how to get crystal clear on what you WANT your life to look like.
Learn how to manage your emotions with one simple technique
Discover how to be more present in as little as 10 minutes a day
Learn how to create time for yourself so you can hear your intuition again
Learn how to ground yourself for optimal emotional and physical well-being
Learn a fun and easy process to reconnect with your true desires
How to get out of your way and receive the abundance that is awaiting you
Week 3: How to Create Healthy Boundaries with Yourself, Others & Spirit World
Do you worry about what people think? Do you have a hard time saying no? Are you getting pulled in too many directions? Are you feeling depleted, frustrated or overwhelmed? Learn how to create healthy boundaries so you’re empowered.
This week, you will discover who is infringing on your time and energy. More importantly, what to do about it! Learn how to take your power back and create healthy limits with yourself and the people you love. Discover how doing so empowers everyone involved. How saying no actually becomes a gift that sets everyone free.
Learn 3 simple steps on how to create healthy boundaries and say yes to yourself more.
Discover the power of limits! How setting limits leads assists you in attracting what you really want.
Identify who you need to set better limits with so you can start being true to yourself.
Learn the empowering truth of the word NO
Learn how to start embracing and even loving boundarries so you can create the life YOU want
Learn how to take your power back so you can be YOURSELF in your relationships
Learn how strengthening your boundaries protects what it is you want to create in your life
Week 4 Release Your Resistance - Increase Your Energy
Our energy level is directly connected to the amount of resistance we have. The more we resist and overthink life, the more dense our energy becomes. The more dense our energy becomes, the slower we move, the slower we are to make decisions. When we stop taking action, we become stagnant - physically, mentally and spiritually. Ideas accumulate in our lives and if we don't act on them, we become depressed and detached. We stop believing that we can create a life we love.
This week you will learn how to get back into the flow and start dancing with Creation. You will learn how to stop struggling with life. Learn to tap into safety and trust so you can open to what life has in store for you. Learn a step-by-step process to stay focused on the positive aspects of your life so you can put more energy back into your personal energy bank account.
Discover how your thoughts are creating your life
Learn simple techniques to elevate your thoughts
Learn how to attract what you want into your life in 10 min per day
Learn 5 physical techniques to increase your energy and get you back into the flow
Learn how to start dancing with life and creation so you can experience more abundance, joy and ease
Learn how to receive, how to dance, to say YES more!
Learn how trust can transform your life.
Week 5 How to Use Your Focus to Create Your Life
Now that your have more clarity about what you want to create in your life, understand the importance of boundaries and have more space & energy, it's time to start creating life on your terms.
Your focus is the most powerful tool you have. Period. Everything that exists in your life exists because you first focused on it. By focusing on it, you created it. Focus = Creation. This week we will learn how to focus like a laser beam. How to have super power focus so you can attract what you want in your life, FAST!
Learn how to organize your new found time so you can start cultivating what you want in your life
Learn step-by-step techniques that will help you strengthen your focus muscles
Learn how your commitment and belief drives your ability to create what you want in your life
Learn how to create what we want through boundaries
Learn how to direct your energy in a way that will break through any barriers
Learn how to create a system that you can use over and over again to create anything you want in your life
Ready to free up space for what you want to have in your life
Ready to have more time and energy for what you want to create in your life
Ready to clear out what is depleting your precious energy
Ready to start taking action in your life and making things happen
Ready to live more efficiently and effectively
Ready to improve your energy level so that you can experience the level of health and wellness you desire
Ready to improve your focus so you can create the life of your dreams
Ready to improve your clarity so you can become the best You you can be
Ready for life to get easier!
Let's Start Creating the Life You Came Here to Live!
--Jenny Boice saved me. Sounds dramatic, right? It isn't. She actually did. I have CPTSD and met her when I was at my worst...shaking, unstoppable racing thoughts, inability to move forward in ANYTHING. Because of her immense will, and the direction in which to work, I have regained my sense of self, taken my power back and have overcome my fears. I feel integrated and whole now. She is kind, patient and motivating. Jenny helped me put myself back together and she is unwavering in her belief in me. I highly recommend her as a personal coach...she is better than any other therapist I saw in healing from narcissistic abuse. Hire her when you're really ready to get better. She can help you. ~ Robyn
--Jenny is fantastic! As an energy coach she helped me create awareness, become grounded and centered in my everyday life through meditation and boundaries. - Sara
--Jenny helped my entire staff with energy leaks, becoming more balanced by creating boundaries, and strengthened our focus through meditation. - Melissa
--Thanks to Jenny Boice, my business and life coach, I have been able to rewrite my story. For the past several years, I have struggled professionally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. For most of my life, the voice inside my head said that I was not worthy of success and a life of ease.
--January 1, 2015 started out with a bang. Jenny was dropped into my lap and from the very first meeting she changed my world as I have known it. She not only changed my world...she rocked it. On a professional level she has helped me move my idea of a company from a bucket list to an actual company now on my map. On a personal level she listens, patiently, while I talk about issues, and gently guides me to realizations and answers which on some level I already knew. I see her every week and wouldn't miss that appointment for anything. Thank you so very much, Jenny, for all of the phenomenal change you have brought into my life. I am moving forward, no longer stagnant, and I could Not have done any of it without you. Love you girl! - Carla
--If you really want to quit pushing against and quit fighting everything, change your future and start living your dream now, Jenny is the coach for you. Jenny is very friendly and easy going. Plus, she has a ton of positive energy, very supportive and encouraging which helps you with clarity of the process. Anyone who is tired of their dull life not changing and looking for a way to find a life with exciting and meaningful to them, back to a life worth living. I cannot thank Jenny enough for the wonderful insight, so beautifully worded, the support, encouragement and belief in me to show up and shine in life and business. No wall is impassable it's all just a matter of knowing who you are and fearlessly setting out on the path that leads to where you want to go. The best part of Jenny's personal coaching is her thoroughness, honesty, and sincerity of the process. - CS