![]() 1. Know Your Bottom Line - Like I said yesterday, clarity is key. So many people avoid getting clear on their finances because they are scared to know where they stand. The truth is, once you get clear, you get your power back. If you remain in the dark then you are letting your finances control you. When you get clear and take steps to improve your financial situation, you will feel a sense of confidence knowing that you are back in charge! 2. Seal Your Leaks - It's amazing how much money you can reclaim when you discover where your leaks are. It's hard to fill a cup that has a hole in it! Seal your leaks and you will attract and keep more money. 3. Shift Your Mindset - Instead of saying "I can't afford it" say "How can I afford it?" Feel the difference? This simple little tweak takes you from powerlessness to expansion. Are you tired of believing in lack and limitation? Are you ready to write a new money story? Here's how my client Beth shifted her story. When Beth and I started working together, she was in way over her head financially. She wanted to work with me but wasn't sure how she would get the money. I encouraged her to commit to the coaching process and that the money would show up. Your commitment determines your outcomes. When you pay a down payment on a vacation, you will do whatever it takes to get there, right? It's the same thing when you commit to anything. When you commit yourself, you do whatever it takes to fulfill the commitment and the Universe/God/Spirit also supports your commitment. Commitments are very powerful! She decided to trust in herself and the process. We sat down and outlined her financial situation. We found where she was leaking money. We were able to recoup over $100 per month from this one process alone. That may not sound like a lot but when things are tight, $100 per month is a big deal. Especially, when you are trying to create some wiggle room. We outlined a plan where she could shift some things around, sell unnecessary items, reduce other expenses and create even more wiggle room. The more space we created in her finances, the more space she felt in her life in general. Money is just energy. I love working with money because it's a physical representation of how we are using our energy in other areas of our lives as well. If money isn't flowing in your life, look to see how energy is flowing in other areas of your life? Is your energy stagnant in general? Is your energy closed off? So the more we cleared away, the more we organized, the more we implemented systems that supported her financially, the more she felt empowered in her finances as well as in the rest of her life! Before, she had always relied on other people to manage her finances which left her feeling very dependent and vulnerable. Now she is taking charge. Sometimes, your money struggles cover up other issues you don't want to see. If all of your focus is on struggling with money then you don't have to pay attention to your heart's desire. You don't have to step up and put yourself out there - or whatever it may be for you. The more clarity we created in her finances, the more clarity she had in general. She began clearing up other situations and relationships in her life. Taking charge of her finances opened up all sorts of doors for her. She went from depending on others to creating a life for herself on her own terms. Good thing she trusted herself enough to start the process! Otherwise, she would still be sitting there in the same situation day in and day out - wishing something would change - feeling powerless to change. I'm sorry but shifts like this are invaluable! This is the power of clarity, taking action and shifting your belief. CLARITY + PROPER ACTION + PROPER MINDSET = SUCCESS! In my Money Magnet Online Workshop, we will work together on multiple levels. I will help you get clear on your current financial situation. So many people go around avoiding this reality because they are scared to know where they stand. The truth is, once you get clear, you get your power back. If you remain in the dark then you are letting your finances control you. When you get clear and take steps to improve your financial situation, you will feel a sense of confidence knowing that you are back in charge! We will uncover where you are leaking money in your life. It's amazing how much money you can recoup when you discover where your leaks are. We will discuss ways to seal those leaks so you can start creating a container to hold more money. It's hard to fill a cup that has a hole in it! Seal your leaks and you will attract and keep more money. We will create a plan to get out of debt. I will teach you a simple step-by-step system that I used to eliminate all of my debt in a year and a half. (this time frame will vary from person to person) We will work with your money story. How you can shift this story and create your own money story! I will teach you how to become a money magnet so you can receive more money into your life immediately. I will also show you how to create more money in your life in only 10 minutes per day. Click here to learn more about my Money Magnet Workshop. Let me know if you have any questions at all! Creating Wellness & Wealth Consciousness, Jenny |